Wiggz (left) and Sam Delaghetto will perform at the HomeGrownPhilly story slam on March 7th
HomeGrownPhilly presents “My Story: A Hip Hop Story Slam”
Bourbon and Branch will play host to an all new way we look at story slams. Disregard the coffee and finger-snapping applause: this poetry is done through the art of hip hop.
HomeGrownPhilly‘s My Story event, which is hosted by Chris Bobo with music from Wes Walker, showcases nine Philadelphia rappers and gives them each a platform to share their story. Pushing aside instrumentals and subtle nuances that may limit an artist in sharing more of their own story throughout their music, this event looks to capitalize on the magic that is spoken word.
With each having a minute to weave and twine through experiences in their past, the greatest benefit is learning just how these individuals found hip hop in the first place and make the music we love to listen to. Wiggz, Fear, Sam Delaghetto and Internal Rhyme are some of the artists to be featured at this event on March 7th at 7, tickets are $10 and you must be 18 years or older to enter; more information can be found here.