Adrienne Gold (photo by Chris Sikich) and Kevin Attics (photo by John Vettese) of Mercury Girls

Philly power poppers Literature picked up some serious steam in 2014 with the release of their jangle-pop LP Chorus. They’re in the process of recording a new records, but in the meantime you can check out guitarist Kevin Attics’ throwback project Mercury Girls, featuring Adrianne Gold (formerly of Catnaps and Tender Vision).

The four-piece released two demos via Bandcamp last week, which takes a 21st century (and lady-fronted) spin on 80’s English rock; specifically the C86 scene that launched cult favorites The Bats, The House of Love and influenced artists today like Alvvays. “Golden” has those heart-melting, shining guitar riffs that elicit moments of unadorned nostalgia, plus Morrissey-esque lyrics like “Don’t break my heart she said / I’ll never love again.” On “July 22nd,” the vocals fees like a sung conversation between Gold and Attics.

Give a listen below, and check out the band’s upcoming show at Bourbon and Branch on April 11th;  tickets and more information can be found at the XPN Concert Calendar.