That Dream Was Our Life’s monthly EP project continues with Lesser Truths
Bedroom folk artist James Cuartero – aka That Dream Was Our Life – has been working on an extensive, monthly EP project since last May. In late February, he released his tenth out of twelve EP’s, Lesser Truths, that delves into the conscious of this DIY artist.
He tells us:
When I started this project last year it was primarily a way to release the 50+ backlog of songs I’d written in 2013. However, after a few months in I discovered a lot of those songs didn’t really speak to me anymore, so I started writing new songs for each release. It has been both a lot of fun and a hard lesson in discipline.
Each track is highly metaphorical. Not in a way that is overbearing and needs interpreting, but in a way that reminds me of cold days where staying inside with a cup of coffee doesn’t sound all that bad.
“I don’t like to drink but I love the sound of people,” he sings on “Heaven Is A Place Called Heaven (Winter Version),” opening our ears to Cuartero’s human emotions highlighted by simple piano chords. “Laughter like piano keys that float above the hum of conversation.” Listen to the five-track Lesser Truths EP below, and dig into his past releases at Bandcamp.