Hurry celebrates cassette release and new animated music video
Power pop trio Hurry is celebrating the cassette release of last year’s Everything/Nothing (catch it here via Stereophonodon Records) with the release of a delightfully retro computer-animated video for the track “Oozing Positivity,” which pretty much incorporates the same technology as Dire Straits’ “Money For Nothing” video (minus the live action bits).
The band claimed via Twitter that the video was six months in the making and the favorite thing they’ve ever done. They summed it up pretty nicely: “It’s a lot like Toy Story, but we are playing sports.”
Animated by Dave Petersen, the video shows Hurry members (in the outfits they’re wearing in the photo above) gallivanting through a virtual universe while playing frisbee, tennis, basketball, etc., mixed with shots of them jamming. Animated Joe DeCarolis rocks so hard his glasses fall off.
Catch the band on May 30 at Everybody Hits with Eternal Summers and Blowdryer; more information on the show can be found at its Facebook Event Page.