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Talking England, new music and Union Transfer with Brian Christinzio of B.C. Camplight
Philly expat Brian Christinzio moved to England a couple years ago to make the best record of his career. How to Die In The North, his third release under the B.C. Camplight moniker, is out now on Bella Union Records, and Christinzio is back in the states for a while to tour behind the album – which includes a big homecoming stop at Union Transfer on Tuesday the 9th of June.
This week, Christinzio stopped by WXPN to appear on the Philly Local show. He spun a couple tracks from the album – the soaring opener “You Should Have Gone To School” and the more frantic “Grim Cinema” – and chatted with me about the move to England, how the album took shape, and the contrast between his two hometowns. We also find out a bit about why he’ll be stateside for a little longer than expected – more in that in Pat Rapa’s City Paper interview – and hear his plans for his extended stay.
Give a listen to our interview below, and get tickets and more information on B.C. Camplight’s Union Transfer show at the XPN Concert Calendar.
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