Bhob Rainey | via

Philadelphia performer/composer Bhob Rainey has developed a global reputation for his ability to reshape the raw material associated with sound— air, resonance, vibration, decay, silence—into delicately arranged sonic shrapnel with hallucinatory effects.

Whether improvising alongside trumpeter Greg Kelley in “lowercase” duo Nmperign, composing multichannel computer music inspired by the neural activity of squid, or designing sound for New Paradise Laboratories’ acclaimed 2014 Fringe Festival production, The Adults, Rainey’s M.O. is just as much about drawing connections between disciplines as it is about exposing “cracks in the symmetry of the world.”

At AUX on Thursday, Rainey will perform a new 12-minute “chamber epic” that consists of  raw, metallic sounds as well as actors performing sound poetry. Rainey reports that audiences can expect “fun nods to horror genres, uncanny transformations, and unexpected quietudes.”

Vancouver-based Gabriel Salomon (formerly of Yellow Swans), and the duo of Mary Lattimore & Jeff Zeigler also perform. More information on the event can be found via the Voxpopuli website.