Greg Holden | Photo by Megan Lynch |

Singer-songwriter Greg Holden knows the peaks and valleys of life like an old friend. And at today’s Free at Noon, he sung about his triumphs and troubles to a passionate audience.

He almost didn’t make it to this point – in 2011, he spent a lofty sum of money to put out his album I Don’t Believe You, then watched helplessly as his record label went bust. Shortly after, he embarked on a sold-out tour of Holland even though he was in debt. By that point, Holden’s attitude towards music had become grim. The curtains had just about closed on his musical dream.

Then, Holden wrote the song “Home” – yes, that one, the chart-shattering single that rocketed American Idol winner Phillip Phillips to stardom. Holden regained his motivation and purpose, and after a trek to India and Nepal, he immediately wrote the songs that would become his major-label debut, Chase the Sun. 

Holden has a knack for weaving his tales into impactful songs. This was best exemplified during today’s Free at Noon concert with the touching “Boys in the Street,” a song about a father’s struggle with his feelings about his gay son. Holden also showed compassion for homeless couples on “The American Dream” and for victims of police brutality on “Side of the Road.” His setlist was a mix of new songs from Chase the Sun and old favorites. You can check out the setlist and photos below, listen back to an archive of the performance and don’t miss him when he returns to Philly in October.

[xpnplayer action=”audio” category=”Free At Noon” artist=”Greg Holden 7.31.15 ” date=”2015″ button=”yes”][/xpnplayer]

Save Yourself
The American Dream
Give It Away
Boys In the Street
Side of the Road
The Next life
Hold On Tight