Mike Pays Heat’s new song “No Better” is totally beautiful
Mike Pays Heat’s new song “No Better” is totally beautiful
Photo by Emily Dubin | via facebook.com/mikepaysheat
Philly indie-punk-rockers Mike Pays Heat just recorded an acoustic session for their song “No Better” with Table Three Media, and it is heart-wrenching and beautiful. Singer Ian Hunter starts the song with the line “Anyone who says they love you just doesn’t know you well enough to know better,” while drummer Dan Siper plays his snare with a pair of pencils and bassist Wil Schade plays the bells. The energy of the song builds throughout its entirety, ending in a big, echoing hook.
“No Better” will be released on Mike Pays Heat’s debut full length Tape 1 Play in January via Dead Medium Records. Check out “No Better” below.