Madalean Gauze | Photo by John Vettese

To say that we here at XPN are excited about the debut LP from Philly indie-rock songwriter Madalean Gauze may be a bit of an understatement. Ever since we talked to her earlier this fall about the long and often turbulent process of getting this album to the public, we have eagerly awaited its release. The wait is thankfully over, as the talented singer-songwriter has released her album, Sing, in its entirety via her Bandcamp and it does not disappoint.

At first listen, the thing that immediately sticks out is the control and power of Gauze’s sweeping voice. It is not something easily ignored, but ultimately Sing is so much more than a pretty voice. On one of the album’s early tracks, “Let Slide,” there actually comes a point where I find myself equally enthralled with the rolling, driving instrumental hook as Gauze’s dynamic chorus. Luckily, I don’t have to choose between the two as they frolic in harmony, punching back and forth in perfect measure.

On “Deep Heart” Gauze takes a slower approach, allowing the music to be teased out gradually. Beginning with just her vocals and a guitar, the song becomes fully realized in the second half as it explodes into one of the best jams on Sing. On the other hand, the attention-grabbing single and title-track “Sing” is boisterous, odd and a wholly satisfying example of an artist who is able to dabble in the eccentric without becoming engulfed by it.

Gauze took to this album recording process with painstaking attention to detail, delaying the release, rerecording and even scrapping songs altogether. Sing is the result of an artist with a vision who wanted nothing but the best she could create, and for that we should be eternally grateful.

Madalean Gauze is playing a release party for the album at Boot & Saddle on December 17 with Philly surf-rockers Woven In. For more information on the show go to the XPN Concert Calendar and listen to Sing in its entirety below.