Django Django | Photo by Rachel Del Sordo

Though we had to take a little break from our trip back to 1969 in the #XPNGreatestYear Coutndown, the Free at Noon showcase from London’s Django Django may have been the perfect band to end this week’s journey through music history. The art-rock quartet implements such a plethora of sounds, spanning the globe and several decades, that they showed the crowd at World Cafe Live, and listeners at home, how these last seven decades of music shape the here and now.

Though fully modern, with their impressive synth and keyboard section and their use of sampling, world music was just as much an influence on the band as anything this Friday afternoon. Drummer David Maclean set the tone with his varied and inspired backing beats which were accompanied often by whirling, souring synths. Django Django also implemented a variety of instruments not found during your typical indie-rock show including a tambourine, cow bell, saxophone, maracas and what appeared to be something along the lines of a guiro.

Django Django barreled through their set with incredibly energy, playing song from both their acclaimed albums, 2012’s self-titled output and this year’s Born Under Saturn. By the end the crowd couldn’t help but shake off their morning lethargy and move and shake with the band. Django Django will be at Union Transfer tonight starting at 8 p.m. where they will play with indie-pop group Wild Belle. Check out the full gallery and the setlist below.

Set List

Hail Bop
Shake and Tremble
First Light
4000 Years