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The Once Was just announced the location and details of their 5th Annual Holiday Show and it’s sure to be full of high spirits and well wishes. The South Jersey rockers will partner with Philabundance to host a canned food drive at their holiday show, which will be hosted at MilkBoy on December 26th. About the show/food drive collaboration, the band has told its fans:

Let’s take the energy we create at this event and turn it into positive change for the community. We ask that YOU bring a minimum of 5 items and you’ll get a free limited edition screen printed Mandala Poster by local artist/graphic designer Jon Rom!

The show will also feature performances from songwriter/electronic producer Are Too and prog-rock quartet Something Like A Monument. Pick up tickets here, and check out new music from The Once Was, Are Too, and Something Like A Monument below. And find out more ways that you can help drive hunger from our communities at Philabundance’s website.

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