Stream “Weathering Bell” from MoBo-WC Lindsay super-duo Vicky Speedboat
Stream “Weathering Bell” from MoBo-WC Lindsay super-duo Vicky Speedboat
Photo via facebook.com
Last week we showed you the debut music video from Vicky Speedboat, a supergroup formed of Modern Baseball‘s Sean Huber and W. C. Lindsay‘s Will Lindsay. This week, they released their second single from their forthcoming EP, Two Years No Basement.
The single, “Weathering Bell,” is a heavy-hitting rock song about the girl who has “Xs on her hands, always drinking with the bands.” The gritty tune is catchy with distorted guitars, thick drums, and driving bass, but the lyrics definitely have heart. It’s not easy to express your feelings over a lost loved one; Lindsay and Huber do it with raw emotion.
Stream “Weathering Bell” over at Substream, and stay tuned for the release of Two Years No Basement on November 27th.