Square Peg Round Hole | photo by Eric Tsurumoto | courtesy of the artist

Last spring we shared some awesome live videos of local bands like Mumblr and Former Belle that were part of Germantown-based studio Sleepless Sound’s Red Room Series. After a short hiatus, the folks at Sleepless Sound Studio are back and have released a ambient and awesome three-song set from Philly’s Square Peg Round Hole.

The post-rock instrumentalist show how they are able to make such catchy, overall impressive music with only three members and no singer during the set which includes singles like “Tuesday” and “Skipping Stones” off their 2013 LP, Corners. The video is an excellently put together look at how a band so focused on soundscapes and intricate arrangements is able to meld all their parts to become something atmospherically brilliant. They are a band willing to push the margins of rock. For instance: few bands have ever considered bringing a xylophone into the mix, Square Peg’s got two, but as the video displays, it is all about perfect timing and and cohesiveness and less about their individual parts.

You can check out the three-song set below and head over the the official Red Room Series page for past performance from Mumblr and Former Belle.