Lushlife | photo by Erbu Ylidiz | courtesy of the artist
Listen to Lushlife team up with Ariel Pink for “Hong Kong (Lady of Love)”
Philly rapper Lushlife found himself an unexpected collaborator for his new track, “Hong Kong (Lady of Love):” Ariel Pink.
On the surface, the duo are an unlikely couple. Mixing hip-hop with Pink’s brand of weirdo psychedelic rock seems anything but intuitive. But upon listening to the track, the collaboration instantly makes sense.
If there’s one thing we know about Ariel Pink, it’s that he loves experimenting with dreamy synth-textures. Lushlife does just that on the track, delivering an effortless flow on top of a dreamy synth line that wouldn’t sound out of place on one of Pink’s own records. When it’s Pink’s time to shine, he supports the rapper on the chorus with his own an ethereal hook.
You can check out the track below. If you like what you heard, make sure to listen to the rest of Lushlife’s album, Ritualize, which is to be released in full on February 19th.