Bombino | Photo by Hope Helmuth for WXPN | hopehelmuth.com
Tonight’s Concert Pick: Bombino at World Cafe Live
Bombino | Photo by Hope Helmuth for WXPN | hopehelmuth.com
Guitar wizard Omara Moctar, aka Bombino, hails from Niger and shreds like nobody’s business. His virtuosic playing is speedy, serpentine and engaging, and spans the world of expansive “desert rock” (think Tinariwen) with aggressive rock-rock. Bombino’s sixth album, Azel, is out now via Partisan Records, he just totally crushed a set at the VuHaus showcase at SXSW and he performs tonight at World Cafe Live. Watch videos of his SXSW performance below and get tickets and more information on tonight’s show at the XPN Concert Calendar.
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