Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
The 16 weirdest things we found at this summer’s Punk Rock Flea Market
#punkrockfleamarket #philadelphia been a few years since i got to come through… lotta wares!
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Every summer and every winter, R5’s Punk Rock Flea Market on 9th and Spring Garden some of the coolest band shirts and old records Philadelphians have to offer — but also some of the weirdest crap in the city. Here at The Key, we like to showcase some of that weird crap. Here’s this summer’s 16 weirdest things we found at the Punk Rock Flea Market! Enjoy.
16. Turkey Wing
Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN…or at least we think it’s from a turkey?
15. Zippo book

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
14. Turtle Shell
There’s lots of animal parts this time around.

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
“I have a photographic butt memory.” – Tina Belcher
12. LEGO head/bucket

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
I would imagine this is for decoration more than practical use.
11. Tesla Shirt

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
Everybody’s favorite physicist!

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
I don’t even know what to say about this.
9. Pinhead

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
“See this” is right.
8. Communist Shirt

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
Why is there always something related to communism at these things?
7. Bloody Duck

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
Also blood. Why is something always covered in blood?
6. Sk8r Skeleton

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
He was a skeleton boi / she said see ya later boi. (I tried.) Wondering if anybody tried haggling for the skeleton plus those two jars of TidyCat.
5. Doll Parts

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
“Yeaaaaah, they really want you, they really do.” You never know when these will come in handy.
4. Pecker Paperclips

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
No comment.
3. Giant Zombie Dolls

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
Again, with the blood.
2. Headless mannequin

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
Perhaps it’s more of a statue? I actually don’t want to know.
GWAR lunchbox

Punk Rock Flea Market | Photo by Tom Beck for WXPN
The old “girls will like it because it’s pink!” fallacy.