Quilt | Photo by Josh Pelta-Heller for WXPN | hellerhound.com

When New England indie-rockers Quilt were last seen in Philly, the band played a show at Johnny Brenda’s and swung by WXPN to record a session for World Cafe.

Reviewing the show for The Key, Josh Pelta-Heller said:

This is a band at their creative prime, rough with a youthful vibrancy but polished too with well-rehearsed stagecraft, delivering time and again with an obvious and infectious joy in what they do, and with music that makes you feel lucky to be alive to hear it.

Fronted by Anna Fox Rochinski, watch the band perform “Roller,” from their recent album, Plaza, for World Cafe.

Quilt return to the area on June 16th when they play the Firefly Music Festival.