Littler | Photo by Emily Burtner | courtesy of the artist

I’ve never been to California. Heck, I’ve never even been anywhere west of the Mississippi. But now, thanks to our friends in Littler, I have a better idea of what the rest of the country looks like. The band has shared the video for their song “Somewhere Else,” and it features footage of their travels while on tour.

From shots of LAX in the golden state to CBP right here at home, the video ranges all over the map. In a premiere with She Shreds Magazine, Littler guitarist and director of the video Dan Colanduno says, “I wanted to make sure we had enough footage to show a variety of images. The stark contrast between time (winter and spring) and place (east coast and west coast) was what we wanted to capture visually.” Visually, Colanduno achieved what he set out to do. And sonically. as we’ve known since the release of Of Wandering back in March, “Somewhere Else” is a jam.

Littler just finished up a tour, so they don’t have any Philly dates lined up as of right now. Until that fact changes, head back out on the road with them by watching the “Somewhere Else” video below. You might just see something you’ve never seen before.