The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
The Lumineers light up the Mann Center, front to back
The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
The background music faded away and The Mann Center went dark as the crew tore down the black curtain, revealing The Lumineers’ brilliant stage set up for the night. The crowd exploded into cheers and applauds as the Colorado folk rock favories ran onto stage and kicked off their set with “Sleep on the Floor,” going right into “Ophelia,” the first single from their new Cleopatra and a fan favorite. It was the kickoff night of The Lumineers’ North American tour, and it sounded wonderful.
Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
Joining The Lumineers on the tour were Børns and Rayland Baxter. A Nashville native, Baxter and his band were first to play, warming the crowd up with groovy tunes. As Baxter finished his set and the stage crew began setting up for the next set, Børns flags were dropped from high above and the crowd erupted.
A one-man-show, Børns, took the stage and began his set with “Seeing Stars,” getting the whole crowd moving from the front row all the way back onto the lawn. He proceed by playing cuts from his 2015 debut release, Dopamine, including “10,000 Emerald Pools” and “American Money.”
Toward the end of Børns’ set, he kicked into “Past Lives,” sauntered into the crowd halfway through the song and began dancing with all the girls to the left of the stage — who were absolutely freaking out. He closed out his set with hit, “Electric Love,” which was enough to keep the crowd riled up all the way up until The Lumineers took the stage.
The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
The Lumineers followed up “Ophelia” with a few songs off of their self-titled release, “Flowers in Your Hair”, “Charlie Boy”, and their biggest hit, “Ho Hey.”
After “Charlie Boy,” frontman, Weasley Schultz explained that they were going to do something a little special for the people up top and on the lawn. Suddenly, the whole band made their way up one of the isles to the top of the Mann Center amphitheater, where the climbed onto a smaller stage and began to play “Abe Song” atop the whole crowd, looking out into the lawn.
The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN | sydneyschaeferphotos.com
Making their way back to the main stage, the band followed up with more songs off of Cleopatra, including “Gun Song” and “Angela”; the band also played Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues.”
Nearing the end of the set, the signature confetti-drop happened during “Big Parade” from their self-titled album. But they weren’t done yet. After closing out the main set with “My Eyes,” the band exited the stage but the crowd just kept going. The screams weren’t gonna stop until The Lumineers came back for more. The band ended up closing out their set with a four-song encore, officially ending with “Stubborn Love.” You can see more photos from the show below!
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Rayland Baxter | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- Børns | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
- The Lumineers | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
Børns setlist
Seeing Stars
Dug My Heart
10,000 Emerald Pools
The Emotion
Holy Ghost
Past Lives
Overnight Sensation
American Money
Electric Love
The Lumineers setlist
Sleep on the Floor
Flowers in Your Hair
Ho Hey
Dead Sea
Charlie Boy
Abe Song
Classy Girls
Slow It Down
Subterranean Homesick Blues (Bob Dylan cover)
Gun Song
Big Parade
My Eyes
Long Way From Home
Flapper Girl
In the Light
Stubborn Love