Folkadelphia Session: Friendship (ft. Abi Reimold)
Friendship (sans Reimold), courtesy of the artist.
Back during the first half of 2015, we only knew Friendship as a social concept that we were bad at participating in. We ended 2015 with a new favorite band. Thanks to a “mysterious EP” (as posted by The Key) and a Folkadelphia house concert with Maine’s Jacob Augustine, Friendship really held our attention as we greatly anticipated their eventual debut full length, You’re Going to Have to Trust Me. With its somber country sound somewhere between Jason Molina and Gram Parsons (as WXPN’s John Vettese nicely describes it), Friendship hits that sweet spot where our interests in existentialism and pedal steel guitar converge.
If you know her, you probably love what she’s doing, former Folkadelphia Sessioneer Abi Reimold is one of the most creative and busy musicians in Philly right now. Whether she’s releasing one of the best records of 2016 or drumming with the trio Fake Boyfriend, Abi is always up to something interesting. Give her loop pedals, she’ll mesmerize you, give her an acoustic guitar, she’ll make you cry, give her a band and she’ll blow you away. There is nothing Abi Reimold can’t do and I hope she does it all.
Friendship has a friendship with Abi Reimold and invited her to sing songs with them during their Folkadelphia Session. We are very thankful they did. For more Friendship listening, check out their Key Studio Session.