Photo by Breanna Keohane
Folkadelphia Session: Town Mountain
- Photo by Breanna Keohane
- Photo by Breanna Keohane
- Photo by Breanna Keohane
- Photo by Breanna Keohane
- Photo by Breanna Keohane
- Photo by Breanna Keohane
Town Mountain, the self-described “hard-drivin’ Carolina string band,” is a group after our own heart. On their fifth album Southern Crescent released this April, Town Mountain plows through 12 excellent songs of rough and raw bluegrass, play-like-the-devil fiddling, and top-notch picking. Without much studio magic, the band recorded Southern Crescent relying on their superb live performance style. It is in that mode that the band arrived in Philadelphia and recorded this no nonsense in-studio session.