Harrowgrove’s “3AM// The Descent” is an exciting return to form
About a year ago, New Jersey native C.J. Davis, AKA Harrowgrove, shifted from industrial rock to industrial R&B with 2015’s Holy Broken Free Spirit. He continued that trend earlier this year with The Chandler In The Room EP, and he already has a new album on the way. CAPS LOCK will be out next Groundhog’s Day, but for now, check out its first single, “3AM// The Descent.”
For the first minute or so, the track is sparse and electronic as bursts of triggered drums dance around steady sub bass. Then, after a beehive-like synth freakout at the end of the first verse, dramatic, droning guitars launch the song into anthemic territory as Davis sings “When I fell in love/I let it all go.” In some ways, this is a return to form for the Harrowgrove project, but Davis hasn’t lost his newfound pop sophistication in the process. Stream the track below and begin the slow descent into 2017.