Philly Loves Bowie Flyer by Sean E. Brown | made with Tootsie Pops, Mamba, Starburst and Dum Dum wrappers along with Hershey’s Bliss foils, acrylic and ink on wood with glitter
Celebrate the life of the Thin White Duke during Philadelphia Loves Bowie Week, January 6-14
Almost a year after his death, fans of David Bowie are still feeling the pain of losing their idol so suddenly. Here in Philadelphia, the loss is especially heavy. This is the place, after all, where Bowie recorded three records, including Young Americans and David Live at the Tower Theater. The place where the Sigma Kids ruled the streets outside of the eponymous studio, welcoming anyone who had been inspired by Bowie’s confident and vibrant individuality to join their ranks.
Now, channeling their sadness into creative celebration, a group of those super-fans have curated a week-long David Bowie fest called Philadelphia Loves Bowie Week. There will be karaoke. There will be a birthday brunch. There will be quizzo. And everything, of course, will be in honor of The Thin White Duke.
Philadelphia Loves Bowie Week kicks off on Friday, January 6th with a Bowie-inspired art show at Ruckus Gallery and runs through Saturday, January 14th with a closing night concert and silent auction at World Cafe Live featuring Ginger Coyle, Johnny Showcase, and more. Lead by WXPN’s Robert Drake and Bowie devotees Patti Brett, Mary Dunham-Smith, and Marla Kanevsky, the festival will be cathartic and a whole lot of fun.
About Bowie’s impact on the city, Brett writes:
“I feel the connection between Bowie and Philly was special because Philly embraced him from the very first tour. In Dec 1972, the initial three shows at the Tower Theater sold out in no time. Two months later, in Feb 1973, he played seven more (instantly) sold out Tower shows. Then again in 1974, there were seven more sold out Tower shows (although the Sat matinee wound up being cancelled-I think that was when the band got pissed about the show being recorded, but they said he had a sore throat).“
“Philly was one of the first places where people ‘camped out’ for tickets to his shows. He recorded three LPs (David Live, Young Americans & Stage) and filmed the Modern Love video here. When he did micro tours, Philly was always included. He did things in Philly that he just didn’t do in other cities (like the WXPN fundraiser/performance session). And while it may not have been as obvious to the general public, his fans definitely knew he favored Philly!”
More information about Philadelphia Loves Bowie Week can be found here, and check out the full schedule of events here. Watch “Modern Love” below.