XPN data crunch by Bruce Segal

Like many of you, Bruce Segal is just another lover of the XPN A to Z. So much so, that the Lincoln Financial digital analytics manager decided to put his work knowledge to work on the A to Z. Segal, who has an extensive background and experience in strategic data and marketing analysis is becoming the Nate Silver of the XPN A to Z.

By sourcing the songs on the A to Z playlist from the XPN website, Segal has gone all in on a data visualization project reflecting many aspects of the songs we’ve played so far. He’s started with the basic info; a list of top artists played (number and percentage), the songs played by all the artists so far, the time they played, the number of unique artists, the percentage of songs of the overall total so far for each alphabet letter, common first words, common first letters, and other fun facts including a comparison of the length of song titles. It’s pretty awesome, if we say so ourselves.

We want to give a big shout out to Bruce, and also to another XPN listener, Drew Sudell who has done his own textual analysis of the XPN playlist. Below, check out Bruce’s data visualization, or click over to it here.