Grabbing beers with Spill on the eve of their album release
Andrew Gelburd, Marco Florey and Brandon Gepfer decided that, after the end of their previous project (emo-punks Placeholder), they wanted to keep going together, but didn’t feel right continuing under that band name. Fast-forward to today in December of 2016. Their new project Spill just released its first full length, Top Ten, via No Sleep Records.
“I’m feeling pretty good,” guitarist / vocalist Gepfer says. “I’m happy to finally have it out there and to be able to touch the physical product.”
After initially tracking it in March at the Headroom with Kyle Pulley, the band spent their summer shopping the record to labels, finally inking a deal with No Sleep, whose stable has included The Wonder Years, Balance and Composure, La Dispute and more.
“It was a lot like applying to college back in ’07,” Gepfer says. “A lot of wait lists, but when I finally got accepted to one I really felt a part of the team and family, and became proud. Parents were nervous, but I knew it was the perfect fit.”
Florey and Gelburd, who play drums and bass respectively, and are the band’s only full-time Philadelphians, are grabbing celebration beers after work.
“It’s definitely the best album I’ve made this year,” Florey says. “I’ve listened to a lot of bands on No Sleep for a lot of my life.”
To celebrate the launch (which, we joke, came too late for any year-end lists — they acknowledge that the irony of the album’s title is not lost), the band is teaming up with their friends in Thin Lips, Kississippi and Straw Hats for a headlining show at Boot and Saddle on Dec. 20.
That sounds great on paper. All of the bands are pretty well known both locally and all over, and especially since it’s among friends, but the nerves are still there for the band.
“It’s an intimidating position to be in,” Florey says. “A lot to live up to.”
“We’re pretty used to playing small venues early on,” Gelburd adds.
Florey chimes in: “And drinking less.”
“I feel great,” Gepfer says, though. “Every show was pretty intentional that it was filled with friends, and I think that’s definitely apparent in our Boot and Saddle show. It’s going to be a heck of a good time, and we’re going to party with some of our past pals.”
The album is a good documentation of Gepfer’s own personal life over the past year or so. His lyrics typically blend self-deprecation and lamentations of his past. For this upcoming album, Gepfer says he stepped away from his previous focus on his own unhappiness at work and uncertainty.
“[This album] is going to be the best for me because it’s the most current,” Gepfer says. “Musically, I get better at writing songs in the way of the Beatles with distorted guitars. I’m obsessed with verse-chorus-verse. Lyrically, it’s just changed as I experienced events. This record specifically isn’t about being a bored human that works in an office, like our last EP, but it touches on completely redefining myself as a person.”
Florey and Gelburd say that they’re comfortable letting Gepfer doing the emotional heavy lifting for the band.
“We’re just like, really goofy,” Gelburd laughs. “I like to think that we, kind of, as a band, don’t really talk about personal shit when we come together honestly.”
“Yeah, we usually just talk shit,” Florey adds.
(Writer’s note: I’ve known them for years. It’s true that it’s mostly shit talk.)
So now, albeit a little late in the year, Top Ten is out. The show is just around the corner, and Spill has more things planned, like a tour down to South by Southwest with Aficionado.
“The future is looking bright, you know?” Gelburd says. “Spill is on the up.”
“The album isn’t too late for your top ten list,” Florey says.
Yes it is, I submitted mine two weeks ago. Sorry.