Caitlin McCann exhibits her Extended Family this Friday with combination photo show and rock gig
Last summer, Philly photographer Caitlin McCann debuted CAKE, a large format, 60-page zine depicting The Districts / Sun Club US Tour. Her latest venture, Extended Family, draws influence from old black and white photo booths, and it’s set to debut this Friday at Crime & Punishment Brewing Company. When asked to described the project, McCann had this to say:
“The initial idea for this project is pretty simple: I just wanted to take nice portraits of my friends. The aesthetic choice is also pretty simple: I love old black and white photo booths. I also needed a project to work on when I wasn’t on a tour. Put all of that together and you have the recipe for Extended Family. I’ve been shooting these photos for about a year now, cramming people into a makeshift photo booth and setting off a flash as bright as the sun in their faces. The portraits are of my closest friends, people I admire, and homies from other cities who were on tour and passing thru Philly. Together they make up my extended family.”
The night will be replete with its own, exclusive zine, and if that’s not enough, you’ll also be able to catch performances by Pine Barons and Vundabar. If that’s not enough, you’ll also be surrounded by delicious craft beer, and if somehow that’s not enough, then please stay home, you sound really boring. Check out the flyer for Extended Family below; then, mark your calendar. If you’ve been to a Philly show recently, you’re bound to see a familiar face or two.