Brendan Lukens to sit out of Modern Baseball’s European tour to focus on mental health
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Brendan Lukens to sit out of Modern Baseball’s European tour to focus on mental health
Modern Baseball | Photo by Sydney Schaefer for WXPN
Modern Baseball is heading across the pond with Thin Lips and The Superweaks — but they’re making the run a member short, as guitarist / vocalist Brendan Lukens announced today he was not joining the band on the European tour to focus on his mental health.
Here’s his full statement, posted via the band’s Instagram.
MoBo’s documentary “Tripping in the Dark”, released last year, detailed Luken’s struggle with depression and bipolar disorder, which is also reflected in his half of MoBo’s newest record Holy Ghost. I unconditionally love how open this band is about mental illnesses and Bren, the strength you have is unfathomable. We love you, buddy.