Boosegumps soundtracks life’s fleeting moments with their on the way to meet you EP
In a world where everyone’s trying to be louder than everone else, Heeyoon Won makes miniature music about miniature moments. Her Boosegumps project has always had a homespun feel to it, and that certainly doesn’t change with on the way to meet you. If the sound of fleeting melancholy was made tangible and forced into a music box, it would probably sound something like this.
Even from a strictly technical standpoint, this is Won’s best work yet. The production and mixing is leaps and bounds above previous efforts, but it never loses its bedroom pop charm. The title track sets the tone immediately, delivering a gently strummed, plucked, and sung ballad at the resting BPM of an elepahnt heart. “separation is okay” continues that trend, throwing in whimsical MIDI horns for good measure, while the choir-like vocal arrangements on “little cloud” provide the most beautiful moment on the entire record. Where much of the EP explores darker lyrical territory, the criminally short closer “happy” ends things on an optmimstic high. It’s also, coincidentally, the liveliest Boosegumps song to date.
If you want to catch Boosegumps live, she’ll play North Philly DIY venue the Trash House tonight, supporting her other band Secret Mountain (from New Jersey, not Baltimore). Find more information here.