The Spirit of the Beehive continue to please with pleasure suck’s surreal “Cops Come Looking” vid
As we draw ever closer to the release of The Spirit of the Beehive’s new album, pleasure suck, there’s plenty to be excited about. Late last year, they signed to Tiny Engines, and just last month, they shared the video for the album’s queasy first single, “Ricky (Caught Me Tryin’)”. Now we’re getting another music video for “Cops Come Looking”, and like its predecessor, it does not disappoint.
In the context of “Ricky,” the relaxed groove and mellower instrumental of “Cops Come Looking” feels like the calm after a storm. That doesn’t make it any less engaging, though. This is the kind of song you can get lost in, but its sharp melody and arrangement keeps you guessing. The same can be said for its dreamy, surrealistic video, where amidst images of petri dishes, car crashes, and projections on airplane windows, director Federico Casanova hints at an underlying anxiety without calling it by name. “Cops” highlights the best qualities of The Spirit of the Beehive and psychedelic music in general: juxtapose the familiar with the alien, the vivid with the obscured, and the trappings of everyday life transform from mundane to transcendental.
Watch the video below, and look for The Spirit of the Beehive’s pleasure suck in stores both digital and physical on March 24th. You can catch the band live on Monday, February 20th at North Philly’s Baird Mansion Atrium. For tickets and more info, head over to XPN’s Concert Calendar.