Folkadelphia Session: Hawk Tubley and the Ozymandians
Courtesy of the band.
Hawk Tubley and the Ozymandians is the perfect band name for this group of intrepid Philly musicians as it describes to you a lot and almost nothing about what you’re getting yourself into, especially as no one is actually named Hawk Tubley. You can imagine the fantastical and maybe the bizarre, but you also get the absurd, as electric guitar shredding punctuates and comments on each narrative, which is relayed to the listener in speak-song. In fact, I want to call Hawk Tubley’s compositions eccentric “Mother Goose”. The topics range from the hapless drifter “Jack of All Trades,” partners chained to their devotion in “Grade B Prisoner of Love,” and, of course, a ride on a magical dirigible in “The Magic Blimp.” The group certainly does not lack for imagination, which is firing on all cylinders on their upcoming record Pond Kings in April.
Hear about more characters that Hawk Tubley and co. have dreamed up at their album release concert at the Boot and Saddle this Saturday, February 18th.