Penrose comes back swinging in their expansive new EP Eat + Drink + Sleep
East coast blues rockers Penrose released their first new material in almost two years in the form of the 3-track EP Eat + Drink + Sleep. Filled with enough jam for a peanut butter sandwich, the family three-pieces fills each track with emotional power and a wonderfully rotating rock sound that hits you when you least expect it.
The three tracks each grab their names from the EP’s title, each exploring its own dark understanding. “Eat” kicks things off on a quicker note, grooving for five minutes around a tasty bassline and some wonderfully spacey guitars. “Drink” establishes itself as the crowning jewel, marking an 11+ minute masterpiece of growing anxiety that would sound unbelievable across a packed arena crowd filled with those dirty-ass vocals and classic sliding rifts.
“Sleep” breaks up the madness for the grand finale as lone keys feel just as lost and broken as the lyrics suggest (“But I’m not sure of anything anymore / I need an easy way / I don’t think I can fake it today”), only to be interrupted by a final explosion. Overall, Penrose manages to fit the expansiveness of a full release into only three track, creating a modern yet classic rock effort of insane proportions.