Listen to new electronic artist Jesse Magenta’s bite-sized ambience of Office Hours
Bandcamp is the internet’s record store: you’ve gotta do some digging to find a hidden gem. Luckily, boredom pushed me into discovering Office Hours, a petite release from Jesse Magenta with spacey vibes and intimate feelings.
Although all 3 tracks fly by in less than 7 minutes, the impactful saccharine vocals of Magenta are painted over with Frankie Cosmos-esque synth work, as the opening track “The Real Entry” grows and grooves by in a late-night fashion with a powerful organ keeping it all tied together. “The Oyster” explores the Midi keyboard a little further with some Tomorrowland-like synths to carry rifts throughout, bleeding into stretches and bends of the empowered finale “Ur Out.” This release is just so adorable, and I hope to see the faceless artist pop up again on my feed real soon.