The Sixties share stadium-level rock anthem “Neon Nights”
The Sixties are hyping us all up for their new EP Haunt Me (out tomorrow), but they’ve got one more song to share with us. “Neon Nights” continues the band’s anthemic rock vibes with big choruses, Bink-182 vocalized “woahs”, and twinkly guitars.
The latter is what really divides this band from its counterparts, as masterful guitar work takes the emphasis away from rock’s sometimes cliche and overpowering instrumental work and provides focus (due most likely to The Wonder Year’s Dan Campbell co-writing/producing/arranging), and throws The Sixties’ stadium-level hooks describing a man’s lustful shine from over-visited bar marquees and an overbearing personality.
I don’t know how many times I can stress the fact that you should be keeping an eye on these guys, but when they open for The Menzingers in a year, you’ll see why.