The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
NonCOMM Recap: The Mavericks highlight their new LP with signature Latin-country songs
Led by the inimitable Raul Malo, The Mavericks brought their new LP Brand New Day to a packed downstairs crowd at World Cafe Live on the second night of NonCOMM. It was a set of Latin-influenced big-band country, a brief escape from the skyscrapers and construction to open roads and dusty towns.
Sticking mostly to the new tracks, Malo & co got the party started with “Easy As It Seems” – a song that does a good job of introducing the myriad sounds on stage, from the two-piece horn section to the charming guitar playing of Eddie Perez.
Follow-up number “Damned” is a busy song as well, but it’s filled with great riffs and instrumental conversations that you can pick up on as you scan the players. Malo swung into the more classic country-sounding “I Think Of You,” a highlight for its Hammond organ and old school, almost Lawrence Welk-era lyrics. Back to back tracks from 2013’s In Time closed out the set, “Back in Your Arms Again” and “I’ll Be There For You” bringing a one-two punch of the signature Latin-country sound that made The Mavericks legends.
The Mavericks return to Philadelphia on June 10th for a show at the Sugarhouse Casino.
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- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
- The Mavericks | photo by Emma Silverstone
Easy As It Seems
I Think Of You
Back In Your Arms Again
I’ll Be There For You