Tonight’s Concert Pick: Mary J. Blige on the Ben Franklin Parkway
Tonight’s Concert Pick: Mary J. Blige on the Ben Franklin Parkway
Mary J. Blige | via Wawa Welcome America
Although there is never a shortage of events in Philadelphia, no one can argue that the birthplace of America doesn’t take the Fourth of July seriously. The Benjamin Franklin Parkway, ending at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will be home to the 25th annual Wawa Welcome America July 4th Concert headlined this year by the Mary J. Blige, who recently released her latest album Strength of a Woman in April.
Other performers include Tony DeSare, Broadway star Mandy Gonzalez, and the Philly POPS Big Band. Boyz II Men will also be honored for their career. The concert will begin at 7:00p.m. followed by a fireworks show over the museum at 9:30p.m. and is free to the public.