Cayetana | photo by Jeremy Zimmerman |
Watch Cayetana play live on the Chris Gethard Show
It’s been a Philly DIY scene takeover lately on the Manhattan-based sketch comedy program The Chris Gethard Show. Coming up this week: Worriers — who, true, recently moved to Philly from NYC, but still. Last week, it was Mannequin Pussy. And a couple weeks back, South Philly faves Cayetana, preceded at the beginning of the month by aughties synthpunk fave Atom and His Package.
The way it typically works is the band records a short live set for the cast and crowd, which plays out as the end credits roll. The performance frustratingly cuts off mid-song during the broadcast — which, how you gonna do that to a minute-and-a-half long MannyP jam? — but never fear, as the full set winds up as an online archive for all to revisit and rock out to at their own leisure.
This weekend, Cayetana’s performance showed up on the YouTube-verse, and it’s a glorious three-song / ten-minute set, opening with the album’s revved up lead single “Mesa” (which played out the broadcast of the show) and then drifting into slow-burn territory on “Too Old For This” and “Certain for Miles.” Watch the performance below, and catch Cayetana in person at World Cafe Live on Friday, September 22nd for the Philly Music Fest; tickets and more information on the show can be found here.