Soft Idiot | photo by Anaje Brinkley | via

It’s a great thing when two lo-fi DIY artists bring their solo projects together for a collaborative release. Philly bedroom pop outfits Soft Idiot and Lonely Ghost recently teamed up to release a 4-song split EP, available now on Bandcamp. We last heard from Soft Idiot, the project of Justin Roth, with the release of stillborn in March; and this marks Lonely Ghost’s first release since Funereal in May 2016.

The split opens with two songs from Lonely Ghost — “Sleep Well” and “You Felt Safe” — written, performed and recorded by Kenny Forrester. Soft Idiot’s Justin Roth does it all on his own too; writing, performing and recording the project’s two contributions “eclipse song” and “walk” totally solo. The songs work well together, and the pairing of Lonely Ghost’s ambient punk vibes with Soft Idiot’s minimalist folk-inspired tunes prove a cohesive combination that showcases some of Philly DIY’s best.

If you haven’t stumbled upon these two Philly artists before, stream the EP above, click through to Bandcamp to check out their older material, and catch Soft Idiot at Ortlieb’s on September 27 with Mavis the Dog and Cabbage. More info can be found on the band’s Facebook page.

Watch Soft Idiot’s recent session with The Temple News below.