Trap Rabbit | photo by Rachel Andie | via the band’s Facebook page

If you’re into trap music, don’t get your hopes up when you see the name of the band Trap Rabbit. They make it perfectly clear on their Bandcamp page that, despite the moniker, they don’t make trap music — they fall more along the lines of instrumental hip-hop meets prog rock with some soul and jazz influences. But their music defies easy categorization, so perhaps it’s best to just call Trap Rabbit what it is at its core — a keys and drums duo that makes some really cool tunes.

Since 2015, Trap Rabbit, made up of Arjun Dube on drums and Logan Roth on keys, has been perfecting its unique sound, and just released a new EP, Empress. The duo has been playing live shows for awhile, but Empress is our first taste of what Trap Rabbit can do on record. The EP’s four tracks are intricate and sophisticated, full of delicate soft spots and sweeping crescendos — the highs and lows are equally effective, and every second feels both precisely executed yet sleek and free-spirited. The addition of guitar on the title track and bass clarinet on “Growth Spurt” only add to the dynamic, smoothly-constructed world the duo has created in the EP.

Listen to Empress below. Trap Rabbit celebrates the new release with a show Friday, March 30 at Bourbon & Branch with Darla and DJ itsjustahmad; the gig promises some jamming between the bands. Find more information on the XPN Concert Calendar.