Boogieman Dela | via

The cozy West Philadelphia beer garden Pentridge Station is up and running again for the summer, and to kick off the season, rapper Boogieman Dela will help welcome back the crowd with a pop-up performance on June 1st.

Fresh off the release of his latest EP, Broken Watch 02: Future Currents, who better to reopen the summer than one of Philly’s own slick, soulful, and genre-bending rappers.

Broken Watch 02: Future Currents tells the listener to wake up and push to become more self-assured during a time when a lack of awareness is all too prevalent. With roots in hip hop and Gospel, the directions this new EP has taken Dela are endless. Pulling from found sounds and spitting lyrics, this is an eye-opening project full of experimentation and wit.

His sound is self-described as “Dirty Harmony,” and, even if you don’t totally understand what he means, you get it. Balancing the raspiness of his voice with the soulful stylings of a Gospel upbringing, there’s an edge to the sort of clean-cut harmonics you think of when you hear the word Gospel. With the ability to write across genres, he’s one of Philly’s truly influential performers, and Pentridge is in for quite a show.

Boogieman Dela opens up the show on Friday at 5 p.m., more details can be found at Facebook.