Bazmati Vice | via

Bazmati Vice, an alt funk project from right here in Philly, have just released their newest EP, Rise, along with three new recording-style music videos. I don’t know where these guys have been, but I’m happy they’re slowly rising through the basement gig ranks and booking shows in town because they’re a low-key type of funky, groovy sound that is super easy to listen to if you’re just easing into the genre.

I think the best part of this EP is the super groovy guitar paired with the almost-grungy sounding vocals. It’s a very cool blending of sounds, and while some tracks are definitely more heavily soul-influenced than others, it’s an EP that makes you want to dance. Bazmati Vice is a fun, modern rock, easy-to-fall-into take on classic funk, which is a genre that sometimes intimidates people. However, adding super prevalent elements of alternative rock and lyrics that are emotional and recognizable instantly adds a level of relatability. This band is fun and I can’t wait to see them live.

Bazmati Vice has released videos for “Doubt,” “Don’t Wanna Wait” and “Take Me There’,” which you can find below along with the EP.