AllegrA shares new songs in Allston Pudding Session
AllegrA shares new songs in Allston Pudding Session
AllegrA | photo by Lea Circa | www.leaciarcia.xyz | via facebook.com/allegrabandmusic
The indie folk project AllegrA, headed by Allegra Eidinger, recently recorded a session with Boston local music blog Allston Pudding. Filmed by Matt Hamer, the camera focuses closely on each band member, huddled close in a dining room.
The band opens with “Spoon or Fork,” which we first heard an acoustic, solo version of in a Random Tea Session. The song, an observational note on moving into a new place, is just as impactful powered by the sound of a full band. The vibrant, textured imagery of “Subtle Ignition,” unfolds poetically, showcasing AllegrA’s poignant songwriting. Closer “Twisting Of,” coasts downhill to a skidding stop.
Check out the full session below.