Vern Matz | photo by Lukas Cox | via

Indie rock trio Vern Matz is based in New Haven, CT (although drummer Noah Silvestry, an occasional Key photographer, is a local) and formed at Yale University, where the bandmates met at a college party and bonded over their mutual love of Radiohead. Their new single, “Systematically Gone,” is teeming with homesick feeling, the songwriting simple and earnest. The vocals, delivered by Danny Belgrad, are subdued and echoey, the chorus verging on bleak. Emblematic of their good-natured humor, the band stated of the song:

In “Systematically Gone”, our character has reached a breaking point, and it’s unclear what the next step forward is. It’s like being in an ice cream shop where all the flavors are sherbet and you hate sherbet and your relationship is falling apart.

Listen to the single below.