West Philly Porchfest | via Facebook

Porchfest has proven itself a big hit in Philly over the last few years, and we just caught word that the annual event will be returning for its fourth year this June. On Saturday, June 8 the porches of West Philly will be transformed into a neighborhood-wide open air music venue as local artists come together to present a full day’s lineup of tunes.

Philadelphia is one of over 100 cities in the US and Canada that have hopped on the Porchfest bandwagon to host this free, community-centric event since the concept was first established in Ithaca over a decade ago. Porchfest’s popularity is spreading quickly in our region, with close to 70 porches participating in last year’s West Philly event and suburbs like Collingswood and South Wayne starting up their own Porchfests.

Though rain in the forecast threatened last year’s festivities, crowds still showed up to watch familiar local faces like Darlingtyn, Gene Wildest, Kingsley Ibeneche, Grandchildren, and Vessna Scheff perform — and with the size of the event only growing, you can count on discovering plenty of new music, too.

Visit westphillyporchfest.com for more information on the event, including how to register your porch to host a show.