Little Strike | photo by Natalie Piserchio |

Little Strike floats in and out of reality in the surreal new video for her song “No Expectations,” off her recent beyond things EP. Nomadic singer-songwriter Tamar Dart is the voice behind the project, which often features heavier themes inspired by social issues and Dart’s childhood in tumultuous Israel.

“No Expectations,” however, takes on a lighter, dreamier tone. Shot in three different states and animated by Raymo Ventura, the collage-like video follows Dart around the world as she travels through realms both conscious and subconscious, invigorated by the idea of possibility but not limiting herself to any expectations.

Dart shared the following about the song.

“I fell in love with my friend while he was living in Thailand on the other side of the world, and so I decided to write him a song declaring a love without expectations. I sent it to him on his birthday — he loved it so much that we decided to meet up in India. This idea of selfless love came to me while reading the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying; to be able to give love without expecting anything in return felt sacred and liberating, it felt new.”

Watch Little Strike’s “No Expectations” video below.