Mellow and melodic Masila Muli is back with Vivify, op. 1
Philadelphia singer-songwriter Masila Muli has embarked on a mission to transform his persona and sound by releasing a 12 song album, titled vivify. This is not your typical release, as portions of the album will come out sporadically over the next year. The first of these releases, vivify op.1, hit Bandcamp on May 24th, and it features three distinct, but similarly mellow tracks.
“Sweet Ruth, Layman’s Truth” puts sentimental lyrics to jazzy instrumentals and Muli addresses the baggage that comes with relationships and the pervasive fear of vulnerability. He asks, “what are you running from? / you waded until your feet shriveled up.”
“Tragically Unaware” has similarly serious lyrics, but is accompanied by a more somber tone. On the track, Muli contemplates the “what ifs” of meeting someone. He repeats, “we could have been friends” throughout the piece.
“The Garden” features much more abstract lyricism and has a more distinct R&B sound. Muli begins, “lilac covering tainted tangerine wake up it’s just a dream or maybe it’s not.”
Listen to vivify op. 1 below, and see if it makes you as curious as us to hear the next installment of the triolgy. Keep up with Masila Muli on Instagram at @masilamuli_ecg.