Ali Awan | photo by Caitlin Phillips | via

It’d be weird if Ali Awan did something we didn’t love. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. His latest gift to us all is a two-song State House Session. Backed by his band, Awan treats viewers to mellow renditions of “Be a Light” and “Butterfly.” Compared to his bombastic NON-COMM set, this session shows off Awan’s tender and soothing side.

Recorded in the State House’s home studio, the session has an aura of casualness and calm. Sunlight streams in through the windows, making the scene feel utterly serene. Everyone knows that there is nothing better than a beautiful day and beautiful music, and Awan’s State House Session provides just that.

Awan and his band are currently on tour in support of his latest project, Butterfly, which came out in February. They will play the Sellersville Theater with Kirby Sybert and Petite Sketches on Wednesday, July 24 before playing on the Saturday of XPoNential Music Festival. On August 7, as part of the 2019 Sundown Music Series in Haddon Lake Park, Awan will do a solo set to open for Natalie Prass. The show is free, so there’s no reason to not go. Find tickets and more information about Awan’s upcoming shows on the XPN Concert Calendar.

Check out Ali Awan’s State House Session performances below.