Pouring Silver | photo by Grey Haas | via instagram.com/pouringsilverband

After a show last month with Lovelorn, Queen Jo, and Arch of Love, Pouring Silver have finally shared their debut single. Made up of Far Out Fangtooth‘s Jo Kusy, Travis Weissman of Haunted Homes, Nina Scotto from Queen of Jeans, and Pet Milk‘s Adam Herndon, Pouring Silver is the indie Philly supergroup you didn’t know you needed. The band’s debut single, “Time Is Right”, is a hazy track that you’ll want to wrap around you like a soft blanket.

Every element of the track sounds just right, which isn’t surprising considering what a pro each member of the band is. Herndon’s percussion provides the perfect home-base  for Weissman and Kusy’s guitars. Scotto’s backing vocals whirl around, both balancing out the harshness of Kussy’s voice and highlighting it. Each component of the song supports the others, but still shines on it own.

“Time Is Right” is the first taste of Pouring Silver’s upcoming EP, which has been produced by Jeff Zeigler. It is a Philly-heavy project, making it that much more enjoyable. There is no word yet on when we can expect the EP to drop.

The band is slated to perform at Beautiful World Syndicate on Thursday, August 15. Also on the lineup is Jack Name and Elison Jackson.

Listen to Pouring Silver’s “Time Is Right” below.