Sun Ra Arkestra | photo by Christopher Andrew McDonald for Ars Nova Workshop

The Philadelphia Museum of Art’s next Friday Remix installment on Friday, January 31 brings Sun Ra Arkestra to the Great Stair Hall. The program for the after-hours event was inspired by the museum’s Designs for Different Futures exhibition, on display through March 8, which encourages audiences to “view the future through their eyes and imagine your own possible futures.”

The Arkestra, directed by Marshall Allen, will take listeners on a “journey through chronos and cosmos.” The four-hour event also includes a variety of musicians, dancers and visual artists performing throughout the galleries. Sound artist Madam Data will host an interactive workshop on audio design, Zornitsa Stoyanova’s AndroMeda will explore the relationship between technology and humanity, and Wit López will imagine an alternate version of history on a tour through the American art galleries.

Sun Ra’s headlining performance will be followed by dance party with DJ AriCiano to wrap up the evening. Ticket for the Friday Remix are sold separately from museum admission. Find more information at