Philly folk artist Shannen Moser released standalone single “World’s Best Magician” on Bandcamp on May 24. The song, featuring vocal harmonies by Rob Blackwell and mastered by Derek Ted, is a beautifully tragic mediation on the ways in which days and weeks blend together.

“Tough to stay present when the present feels wrong,” Moser sings over a solitary guitar. The melancholy nature of the track is heightened by its minimal instrumentation, featuring only two vocal lines and guitar, and the not-quite repetition of the back half, beginning with “It’s Monday again” before describing Tuesday as “assistant,” “gone missing,” and “suspicious,” reinforces that amorphous and unpleasant nature of time.

Moser recently appeared on Lame-O Records’ Don’t Stand So Close To Me, a compilation for self-isolation, where she performed the track “My Light is Going Out.” When announcing her newest release on Twitter, Moser wrote, “I haven’t put any music out in a long time and this feels nice.”

Listen to “World’s Best Magician” below.