Danny Black, aka Dan Schwartz of local trio Good Old War, will release his new solo record, Black Ryno, next month. He’s teamed up with a fellow Philly musician, Vacationer drummer Ryan Zimmaro, for the album, which comes out November 13.

The latest single, “Ball & Chain,” fuses Zimmaro’s drumming with Black’s lead vocals and signature guitar stylings for an energetic sound that’s uniquely their own. As Danny Black explains, it’s the perfect song to put on your next roadtrip playlist.

“Ball and Chain” is a driving song with a message about staying humble, Schwartz says.

“It has a forward momentum, led by the melodic bass line and tight drumming by Ryan (Ryno) Zimmaro that feels like the desert highway going by. The harmonized acoustic guitars take some of the edge off of the rhythm section and you end up with a smooth ride in a fast car. As the song moves forward, the sky gets darker and as if the it starts to suddenly downpour, a new darker section emerges, culminating in a fast and raw guitar solo. Lyrically, the story is told from the perspective of someone who’s patting themselves on the back, even asking themself, ‘how’d you get so great?!’ They have no idea that they are not so great and the world is crumbling around them. This is one of my favorite songs to sing because I can just pretend to be someone else and let my inhibitions go. And what guitarist doesn’t want to end a song with a biting solo?”

Listen to Danny Black’s “Ball and Chain” below.